Adult Group Classes

Whether you’re a complete beginner or have been fencing for years, we’ve got you covered.

Our group classes are a fun and effective way to improve your fencing at a fantastic price. You’ll get quality coaching, training partners and some great exercise in our 60-90 minute sessions.


Tuesdays 7:30pm, Wednesdays 7:30pm

£118/five week course

The first step of your fencing journey! If you’ve never played before, or haven’t played in several years, our five week beginner course is the perfect place to start. You’ll learn all the basics so you can step on the piste confidently and start fencing.

Wear sporty clothes (including long trousers/leggings), non-marking trainers and bring a bottle of water, fencing is thirsty work! We provide all the fencing kit for you, so you can turn up and focus on having fun!


Currently unavailable

From £136/Five week course

For players who can play matches and have at least six months of experience. We’ll work on technical elements and strategy to help you discover your own unique game, giving you the ability to confidently adapt your playstyle and keep you opponents guessing during a match.